Medical Mobile Website Design

The presentation should capture the attention of those seeking products or services from your place of business or medical practice. Additionally, there should be a plug and play flexibility within the design that can be modified. These edits or improvements and betterments within the consumer communication preference in mobilization and website design require a medical practice to keep up otherwise business could be lost or decline!

The design is another element. As the saying goes, “Beauty Is In The Eye of the Beholder.” The same is true when it comes to choosing a design that best matches the visual and informational needs of consumers or patrons whom you are trying to attract.

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If your target is mostly women, then your content should speak to their needs, and visually inspire action with vibrant or soft tones and colors. Male website browsers typically prefer fact-based content with graphics that tend to be informational or instructional. However, they too can be inspired to act upon your visually appealing images or calls to action.

A design flaw that we often see when doing website evaluations or practice marketing reviews occur when content and calls to action appear just below the fall fold of the website design and eye view of your intended target audience.

In our view, this is a major design error which reduces 1st-page conversions and can increase a website bounce rate significantly. Often in reviewing, we find in various medical websites overloaded design features and not enough content which can and does drive up pay per click cost or any paid search campaigns you use socially.

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So the KISS principle applies to website design and mobilization.

The cleaner the look, the easier it is to find on the front door, above the fold, and the more visually compelling, the greater the ability to drive buyers into your sales funnel, which in turn creates leads, which then leads to higher conversion opportunities for transactions.

When you combine these simple elements within the design platform, you create a website which not only meets the needs of your followers or potential clients, but you also are creating a revenue-generating apparatus. Designing a medical website that is both attractive and informative is not as easy as some marketing companies make it seem. Your website’s purpose is to provide the best possible experience for the prospective patient and current patients who may need additional information or assistance.

Selecting a website company is just as important as hiring a new staff member for your medical or cosmetic surgery practice. So it’s vital that you select a company that has the knowledge, experience, and know-how when it comes to designing websites that drive up your new patient inquires and engagement.

When doing a medical website review, we find medical practice websites with an overload of design features and not enough quality content which lowers organic ranking and placement. This, in turn, can and does drive up the need for pay per click or paid search campaigns. Because patients are more informed, less patient, and easily distracted. They expect your website to be fast, provide the most up to date information about services and products which they may have an interest and be visually appealing.

A medical practice website must be easy to navigate, must be organized, must be clean, but also allow real-time communication and connectivity to many social media channels or networks. Your website and social media pages are live 24 hours per day, so a medical practice needs to put their best foot forward. This is your online brochure for the world to see locally, regionally, and nationally.

website and social media pages are live 24 hours

If your website does not connect to all your social media pages like: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Google My Business, Periscope just to name a few social media channels. If your website is not up to date it is very likely you are missing new patient opportunities that are critical to your practice growth and income. Your business will grow only as far as your website takes you. If it’s not mobile-friendly like Google requires than you’ve lost half the battle! Mobile-friendly means that the most important content on your website can be viewed on a single page from any Android cell phone, or iPhone from Apple.

At Social Media Solutions for Doctors, we know the medical community and what patients look for when searching for products and services. Don’t just go with the cheapest, go with a company that knows medical and how to grow your traffic.

We would be happy to provide you a complimentary website evaluation to determine your current digital footprint online.

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