Doctor Practice Tips

Medical Practice Growth Strategy - Does Your Medical Practice Need One?

An annual practice assessment is vital because it can be the lifeblood for any practice. It helps to maintain a competitive advantage, improve staff tenure, and improve financial checks and balances. It also helps the owners stay focused on the goal of maintaining financial health and profitability for the practice going forward.

This annual assessment can be compared to an annual patient check-up. It is often the key way to spot and identify any concerns before they become a problem. Just as a patient gets a check-up on their health, this assessment checks the true health and well-being of your medical practice.

Social Media Solutions for Doctors provides this information as part of our consultation service and practice development program for doctors and other medical practitioners. Our clients pay a nominal fee to receive this, as well as using our mobile website design services and social media services to help grow the practice profitability.

Suggested Weekly Topics Checklist

The Annual Practice Assessment: How Does It Work?

The annual practice assessment is a vital tool that can be used to identify problems and unhealthy trends, such as:

  • Customer service or patient care issues or concerns
  • Compliance issues with state or other regulatory bodies
  • Financial irregularities, such as embezzlement

The assessment can also be used as a tool to discover, promote, and encourage healthy trends, staff promotions, or new hire needs in your practice. You will also be able to confirm:

  • Growth and development opportunities inside and outside of your practice
  • Staff training and development needs
  • Promotional opportunities for new and existing products and services
  • Discussion and measurement of the return on your marketing investments and brand building
  • Making additional enhancements to your practice or group marketing campaigns to ensure the furthest reach and highest yields for new patient acquisition

The ability to measure and monitor your practice performance is key to longevity and financial practice success.

How to Gauge the Health of Your Practice

You must be able to:

  • Identify how many leads your marketing efforts produce each week.
  • How many of those leads are converted by your staff to actual consultations (a 24-month history review is recommended).
  • How many of those consultations are now actual paying clients?

The Measure of Success

A conversion rate (CR) rule of thumb is to have no less than a 55% closure rate for all email leads and phone call inquiries. For consultation closure conversion (CCC), there should be a rate of no less than 80% closure for face-to-face consultations to clients becoming paying patients.

  • How much revenue was generated by that effort for the week?
  • How many upsells with patient financing offers and acceptance occurred for the week?

Your EMR, accountant, practice manager, and office staff should be required to provide you with the necessary updates from the tools and reports generated on a weekly basis. You must know what your closing ratio is for leads, calls, etc.

You can then use the information provided to set your goal and growth targets. Monthly budgets should grow by no less than 15% above the prior month or over what you did last year. Break up your goals in daily, weekly, monthly increments to ensure annual growth.

Tools for Success

It is important to use all the tools available to you and that everyone contributes to the success of the practice. Proper management, EHR, and tools like MyMedLeads will ensure you inspect what you expect related to online lead conversions from your marketing dollars spent and the continued health and success of your practice.

Weekly Staff Meetings

  • Set relevant meeting topics.
  • Performance should be measured relative to goals.
  • Identify the most consistent patient issues or concerns.
  • Use of the post-care programs as a tool for up-sell opportunities.

This copy of our suggested weekly topics checklist will help you stay on task. We recommend using this checklist in your weekly meetings or discussions with your Practice Administrator and Patient Care Coordinator. (If you are not now having weekly meetings with your Practice Manager, you should be. The goal is to help maintain awareness of what goes on with your staff and patients!)

Most importantly, how you treat your staff can be constructive or destructive. Treat your team like you want to be treated. Greet them with a positive attitude daily as they control the lifeline and lifeblood to your practice income.

Remember, if you hired them, get out of the way and let them do their jobs.

Micromanaging your team slows down growth, creates negative energy, and makes for a hostile work environment. You spend forty plus hours per week with your team, make it fun, don’t make it a burden, otherwise, you will experience high turnover, low profits, and slow to no new patient growth. Please read this compelling article:

Once your practice is back on track, Marketing for Success

Social Media Solutions for Doctors can and will provide your practice with an annual practice growth strategy in matters relating to marketing, staff configuration, assessment of products and services, equipment promotions as well as Social Media and Website Design and Mobilization. We also suggest that a list of discussion topics for your weekly or monthly Newsletter and Blog be forwarded to your Marketing Director or Marketing Agency on a weekly basis to ensure all topics are being covered and services that you wish to offer are being promoted.

If you determine after reading this Practice Review outline that something needs to be done for your practice. Call Us Today for a review that will include a Practice AssessmentWebsite ReviewSocial Media Evaluation, Consultation Closure Review of leads to consults, and consults to paying patients.

We are here to help!

Why Patient Selection Is Critical To The Success of Your Medical Practice

To start our conversation, we want you to understand. Converting Every prospect is not the goal, but converting the Right One is …

In our view Patient selection can make or break your medical practice.

Here is why:

Typically poor patient selection can lead to doctor or staff burnout
Will result in a high number of bad … 

How To Be Successful When Closing Online Leads If Insurance Doesn’t Cover The Cost…

In most cases, the least paid person can have the biggest impact on the practice.

Why do we say this:

Often the person answering the phone is the first impression about who and what the practice is on the inside.

You only get one chance to make a first impression. Make It Count!

Being friendly, polite, and …

If you’d like speak to me personally while at the Plastic Surgery Aesthetic Mtg or A4M Mtg in Orlando email me at [email protected] to setup a time after your session(s)is over.

Doctors Corner Marketing Advice

1. Create a website that ranks high in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Contact Us to activate your 2023 website and social media strategy. We will lay the foundation and branding, and you take care of the person to person interactions from leads generated.

Some of Our Valuable Corporate Partners!

If your looking for a better way to prequalify social media leads, internet leads and new email prospects. Our new Corporate Partner Dedicated Office can help.

We love hearing from past clients who implemented suggested strategy and technology.

Practice Development Video Library!

Our library of practice development videos can help with practice growth and reactivation during/after the COVID.pandemic. There are many marketing tips.

To that end, we have created the Social Media Solutions For Doctors: Practice Development Channel. Currently, we have about 8 videos to start and will be adding more in the coming months!. 

If you have questions about marketing please send us an email and we try to answer them as quickly as possible