Talking To Your Audience is Better Than Talking At Them in Social Media Marketing

Talking To Your Audience is Better Than Talking At Them in Social Media Marketing

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Talking To Your Audience is Better Than Talking At Them in Social Media Marketing

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Like Instagram, Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the remaining social media channels begin to more clearly define their preferred communication pathways to and for potential customers. It is a point of fact that talking to your audience is more important than talking to your audience.

What does that mean:

It means that Social Media is about more than just posting ads, it means that social media requires engagement. Asking questions, letting your audience in on what’s happening in your practice. It means letting them get to know you and your staff.

What are your recent adventures or travel experiences?

Have you attended any continuing education to further improve your expertise? Has your staff done so as well?

Who has an upcoming Birthday or Anniversary in the office?

Do you have a Customer of The Month? If so, who and why? Did they receive a special offer due to their loyalty?

As a general rule, it’s helpful to have events at the office or monthly contest that gives consumers a chance to get to know you or stay engaged in your practice. Many practice groups have stopped having monthly seminars related to their new products or service offerings.

To Social Media Solutions for Doctors, we feel this is a bad idea. You can’t just do social media postings and feel that it is enough to gain new customer’s trust or keep repeat customers.

Seminars serve multiple purposes:

Prospective clients actually get to meet the doctor and the staff in a more casual environment. They want to know who you are beyond just the marketing postings or your practice website. Let them

  1. From your side, you actually get to know if they are the type of client you want to serve if they are price shopping or someone who wants to know the true nature of the practice where they expect to spend thousands of dollars.

2. They give you a chance to have fun and build a sense of community with your patients

3. You then can invite all the attendees new and old too Like your social media pages. Make it fun. Take fifteen minutes and see which attendee can invite the most people to your social page and reward them with a Facial Rejuvenation treatment, skincare products, or discount off on a signature service. ( If they don’t know how to invite from their phones, have a staff member demonstrate this with their own phones.) The beauty of that is when they like your pages, it has a viral effect on their followers as well. Which now gives you exposure and opportunities to more new prospects!

4. We’d also recommend getting involved with some community event

In the end, Engagement is much more important than just telling someone what you have to offer. It opens the door to reactivating past clients and makes new client prospects more comfortable with who you are and what you can do for them.

We at Social Media Solutions for Doctors, we believe that the personal outreach to your clients will build more bridges to financial success than just posting sales or giving away discounts! Make your practice an enjoyable place to associate with while at the same time improving your practice revenue!

Quintin L. Gunn Sr. – CEO/CSO


Business Line: +1-407-702-4408

Practice Development Consultant

Social Media Strategist


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